Garbage collection in Python: things you need to know

Last updated on September 10, 2023, in python

This article describes garbage collection (GC) in Python 3.9.

Usually, you do not need to worry about memory management. When objects (variables) are no longer needed, Python automatically reclaims memory from them. However, understanding how GC works can help you write better and faster Python programs.

Memory management

Unlike many other languages, Python does not necessarily release the memory back to the Operating System. Instead, it has a dedicated object allocator for objects smaller than 512 bytes, which keeps some chunks of already allocated memory for further use in the future. The amount of memory that Python holds depends on the usage patterns. In some cases, all allocated memory can be released only when a Python process terminates.

If a long-running Python process takes more memory over time, it does not necessarily mean that your program has memory leaks. Usually, Python keeps some of the memory blocks (arenas) for future use. If you are interested in Python's memory model, you can read my article on memory management.

Since most Python objects are small, custom memory allocator saves a lot of time on memory allocations. Even simple programs that import third-party libraries can allocate millions of objects during the program's lifetime.

Garbage collection algorithms

In Python, everything is an object — even integers. Knowing when to allocate them is easy. Python does it when you need to define a new object. Unlike allocation, automatic deallocation is tricky. Python needs to know when your object is no longer needed. Removing objects prematurely will result in a program crash.

Garbage collections algorithms track which objects can be deallocated and pick an optimal time to deallocate them. Standard CPython's garbage collector has two components, the reference counting collector and the generational garbage collector, known as gc module.

The reference counting algorithm is incredibly efficient and straightforward but cannot detect reference cycles. That is why Python has a supplemental algorithm called generational cyclic GC. It deals with reference cycles only.

The reference counting module is fundamental to Python and can't be disabled, whereas the cyclic GC is optional and can be triggered manually.

Reference counting

Reference counting is a simple technique in which objects are deallocated when there is no reference to them in a program.

Every variable in Python is a reference (a pointer) to an object and not the actual value itself. For example, the assignment statement just adds a new reference to the right-hand side. A single object can have many references (variable names).

This code creates two references to a single object:

a = [1, 2, 3]
b = a

An assignment statement itself (everything on the left) never copies or creates new data.

To keep track of references, every object (even integer) has an extra field called reference count that is increased or decreased when a pointer to the object is created or deleted. See Objects, Types and Reference Counts section, for a detailed explanation.

Examples, where the reference count increases:

  • assignment operator
  • argument passing
  • appending an object to a list (object's reference count will be increased).

If the reference counting field reaches zero, CPython automatically calls the object-specific memory deallocation function. If an object contains references to other objects, then their reference count is automatically decremented, too. Thus, other objects may be deallocated in turn. For example, when a list is deleted, the reference count for all its items is decreased. If another variable references an item in a list, the item won't be deallocated.

Variables, which are declared outside of functions, classes, and blocks, are called globals. Usually, such variables live until the end of the Python's process. Thus, the reference count of objects, which are referenced by global variables, never drops to zero. To keep them alive, all globals are stored inside a dictionary-like structure. You can get the dictionary representation by calling the globals() function.

Variables, which are defined inside blocks (e.g., in a function or a class definition) have a local scope (i.e., they are local to their block). When the Python interpreter exits from a block, it destroys local variables and their references that were created inside the block. In other words, it only destroys the names.

It's important to understand that until your program stays in a block (e.g., function), the Python interpreter assumes that all variables inside it are in use. Generally, that is also true for the majority of the languages. To remove something from memory, you need to either assign a new value to a variable or exit from a block of code. You can also use the del keyword to remove the reference. In Python, the most popular block of code is a function; this is where most of the garbage collection happens. That is another reason to keep functions small and simple.

You can always check the number of current references using sys.getrefcount function.

Here is a simple example:

import sys

foo = []

# 2 references, 1 from the foo var and 1 from getrefcount

def bar(a):
    # 4 references
    # from the foo var, function argument, getrefcount and Python's function stack

# 2 references, the function scope is destroyed

In the example above, you can see that function's references get destroyed after Python exits it.

Sometimes you need to remove a global or a local variable prematurely. To do so, you can use the del statement that removes a variable and its reference (not the object itself). This is often useful when working in Jupyter notebooks because all cell variables use the global scope.

The main reason why CPython uses reference counting is historical. There are a lot of debates nowadays about the weaknesses of such a technique. Some people claim that modern garbage collection algorithms can be more efficient without reference counting at all. The reference counting algorithm has a lot of issues, such as circular references, thread locking, and memory and performance overhead. Reference counting is one of the reasons why Python can't get rid of the GIL.

The main advantage of such an approach is that the objects can be immediately and easily destroyed after they are no longer needed.

Generational garbage collector

Why do we need additional garbage collector when we have reference counting?

Unfortunately, classical reference counting has a fundamental problem — it cannot detect reference cycles. A reference cycle occurs when one or more objects are referencing each other.

Here are two examples: Python circular reference managemenent

As we can see, the 'lst' object is pointing to itself, moreover, object 1 and object 2 are pointing to each other. The reference count for such objects is always at least 1.

To get a better idea, you can play with a simple Python example:

import gc

# We use ctypes moule  to access our unreachable objects by memory address.
class PyObject(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [("refcnt", ctypes.c_long)]

gc.disable()  # Disable generational gc

lst = []

# Store address of the list
lst_address = id(lst)

# Destroy the lst reference
del lst

object_1 = {}
object_2 = {}
object_1['obj2'] = object_2
object_2['obj1'] = object_1

obj_address = id(object_1)

# Destroy references
del object_1, object_2

# Uncomment if you want to manually run garbage collection process 
# gc.collect()

# Check the reference count

In the example above, the del statement removes the references to our objects (i.e., decreases reference count by 1). After Python executes the del statement, our objects are no longer accessible from Python code. However, such objects are still sitting in memory. That happens because they are still referencing each other, and the reference count of each object is 1. You can visually explore such relations using objgraph module.

To resolve this issue, the additional cycle-detecting algorithm was introduced in Python 1.5. The gc module is responsible for this and exists only for dealing with such a problem.

Reference cycles can only occur in container objects (i.e., in objects that can contain other objects), such as lists, dictionaries, classes, tuples. The garbage collector algorithm does not track all immutable types except for a tuple. Tuples and dictionaries containing only immutable objects can also be untracked depending on certain conditions. Thus, the reference counting technique handles all non-circular references.

When does the generational GC trigger

Unlike reference counting, cyclic GC does not work in real-time and runs periodically. To reduce the frequency of GC calls and micro pauses CPython uses various heuristics.

The GC classifies container objects into three generations. Every new object starts in the first generation. If an object survives a garbage collection round, it moves to the older (higher) generation. Lower generations are collected more often than higher. Because most of the newly created objects die young, it improves GC performance and reduces the GC pause time.

In order to decide when to run, each generation has an individual counter and threshold. The counter stores the number of object allocations minus deallocations since the last collection. Every time you allocate a new container object, CPython checks whenever the counter of the first generation exceeds the threshold value. If so, Python initiates the сollection process.

If we have two or more generations that currently exceed the threshold, GC chooses the oldest one. That is because the oldest generations are also collecting all previous (younger) generations. To reduce performance degradation for long-living objects, the third generation has additional requirements in order to be chosen.

The standard threshold values are set to (700, 10, 10) respectively, but you can always check them using the gc.get_threshold function. You can also adjust them for your particular workload by using the gc.set_threshold function.

How to find reference cycles

It is hard to explain the reference cycle detection algorithm in a few paragraphs. Basically, GC iterates over each container object and temporarily removes all references to all container objects it references. After full iteration, all objects which reference count lower than two are unreachable from Python's code and thus can be collected.

To fully understand the cycle-finding algorithm, I recommend you to read an original proposal from Neil Schemenauer and collect function from CPython's source code. Also, the Quora answers and The Garbage Collector blog post can be helpful.

Note that, the problem with finalizers, which was described in the original proposal, has been fixed since Python 3.4. You can read about it in the PEP 442.

Performance tips

Cycles can easily happen in real life. Typically, you encounter them in graphs, linked lists, or in structures in which you need to keep track of relations between objects. If your program has an intensive workload and requires low latency, you need to avoid reference cycles as much as possible.

To avoid circular references in your code, you can use weak references that are implemented in the weakref module. Unlike the usual references, the weakref.ref doesn't increase the reference count and returns None if the object was destroyed.

In some cases, it is useful to disable GC and use it manually. The automatic collection can be disabled by calling gc.disable(). To manually run the collection process, you need to use gc.collect().

How to find and debug reference cycles

Debugging reference cycles can be very frustrating especially when you use a lot of third-party libraries.

The standard gc module provides a lot of useful helpers that can help in debugging. If you set debugging flags to DEBUG_SAVEALL, all unreachable objects found will be appended to gc.garbage list.

import gc


lst = []
list_id = id(lst)
del lst
for item in gc.garbage:
    assert list_id == id(item)

Once you have identified a problematic spot in your code you can visually explore object's relations using objgraph. Python reference count graph

Immortal objects

Python 3.12 introduces a new concept called immortal objects. It changes the way how Python handles reference counting.

Python interpreter can now skip reference counting for some objects that live until the Python process terminates (e.g., for None, True and False). All objects that have the refcount set to 0xFFFFFFFF (4294967295) are now considered immortal. Such a change allows some Python objects to be completely static in memory, which is a good optimization for Python applications that use multiprocessing and copy-on-write mechanism. To get more information, you can read PEP 683.


Most of the garbage collection is done by reference counting algorithm, which we cannot tune at all. So, be aware of implementation specifics, but don't worry about potential GC problems prematurely.

Hopefully, you have learned something new. If you have any questions left, I will be glad to answer them in the comments below.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them via e-mail displayed in the footer.


  • Bob Hyman 2017-10-07 #

    Very interesting and useful description of the current state of affairs in Cython.

    Are things different in other pythons? E.g, IPython.

    Are there any projects underway to improve memory MGMT in python?


    • Artem 2017-10-07 #

      Each implementation of Python uses its own collector. For example, Jyton uses standard Java's gc (since it running on the JVM) , and PyPy uses Mark and Sweep algorithm. The PyPy's gc is more complicated than CPython's and has additional optimizations

      I'm not aware of any changes in IPython since it's just an interactive shell running on CPython.

      Regarding memory management, there are tens of proposals in the PEP index, but only a few of them will be accepted in future.


  • Madison 2017-10-07 #

    Nice article. One small correction worth making is that not all block statements introduce a new execution scope. In particular a with statement does not have its own local scope any more than an if statement does. For this most part this only applies to def and class statements.


    • Artem 2017-10-07 #

      Thanks, you are right. I was thinking about context's enter/exit.


  • ben 2019-02-08 #

    Thanks for the explanation. Can you please confirm then, that it would be pointless to import gc into jupyter notebook?


  • Alice 2020-07-09 #

    Good write up.


  • Simon 2020-08-04 #

    I don't understand why when you pass a variable to a function it has two more reference counts instead of one. You said that it has one from the function argument and one from Python's function stack. I don't know what is this function stack. Otherwise this is a great article!


    • Artem 2020-08-05 #

      Function stack keeps track of all local variables that are avaliable inside the function.


      • Tom 2022-09-25 #

        I am sorry,it maybe a mistake.


  • kanch 2020-08-26 #

    Hi there, your article help me a lot in reduce my python application memory usage.

    Can I translate it into Chinese , and re-post with reference to my blog? I think it will help more people struggling with python memory usage in long run applications.


    • Artem 2020-08-26 #

      Sure, you can translate it. Just link my article in your translation.


  • jbo 2020-10-05 #

    Very well explained, just loved reading it and your other articles. Keep up the good work .


  • ferdizera 2020-12-02 #

    Simple and objective. Nice article. Nice explanation.


  • jb 2021-02-13 #

    Thank you, clear and useful


  • Lokumcu Hayri 2021-02-26 #

    No lollygagging, just to-the-point explanations and examples. Thanks!


  • maz 2021-04-07 #

    I think you mean in this sentence "You can also adjust them for your particular workload by using the gc.get_threshold function." gc.set_threshold. btw Thanks for your blog, really helpful!


  • hans 2021-05-09 #

    "It's important to understand that until your program stays in a block"

    Do you mean while instead of "until" here? While the interpreter is in a block, all local variables are assumed to be in use and the local variables get destroyed once it exits the block.


  • 2021-11-26 #

    very clear and helpful, thanks


  • pravin patil 2022-06-04 #

    very helpful


  • Siddhant Kumar 2022-08-03 #

    The following talk is quite useful to understand gc -


  • purplesheep 2023-02-03 #

    Hello, I'm a korean junior programmer who is interested in all computer science area. This article is very helpful for me to understand GC in python. If you're okay, I want to translate this article and upload it. I'll put your website url in my post. Thank you for the article!


    • Artem 2023-02-04 #

      Sure, you can translate it. Just put a reference to my article at the end of your article.
